Major league baseball has all but priced itself out of my range (for the reasons that SB mentioned). Thats pretty sad. The minor league games I've gone to (the Long Island Ducks) are every bit as entertaining as the majors and the smaller, more "intimate" ballparks make those games more fun. Plus, the food and extras are waaaaaay cheaper!

Lori and I decided on the spur of the moment to go one of their games last year. It was a crummy night (light rain and cool) so the crowds were kind of sparse. We've never had a problem with buying tix for the game at the gate (on the night of the game) so as we were walking up to buy the tix some guy approached me and offered two tix. I looked at them and said "Sure". They were in the owner's box right behind the dugout. (We sat with the owner! ... and all this for $10 a ticket!)

The food is also MUCH better at these games (than in a major league park).
