I would say this is a good question to ask if you want everyone to discuss why they are a fan of the team they are. For example I am a San Francisco Giants fan. Why? Obviously not because they have won multiple championships since they moved to SF, or because they have possibly the greatest player ever to play the game (oh wait, steroids?). I am a Giants fan because from the very beginining they were my local team, and I loved the name GIANTS (as a 5 year old ok? It sounded so cool then) and I have been a loyal human being to my team through thick and mostly thin.

I think this question begs a counter question Don Sicilia... why are you abandoning one team and trying to find a new one? Why not stick with your beloved team through good times and mostly bad? I mean if you really wanted me to recommend a team for you to root for I would NOT say my SF Giants were the team for you! I would say root for the Yankees (Whom I despise) because if you want to be happy with a winning team year after year then how could you not root for a team that has all the money in the world to put together a winning team year after year?

Serisously? Why are you just now trying to find a new team to root for?

Last edited by Blibbleblabble; 11/19/06 03:31 AM.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes