Seriously, people are retarded. Think about it - in 6 months, they won't be able to move the PS3's off the shelf, just like the X-Box 360, and its previous incarnations before that. If you don't get it at launch and aren't out to make a huge profit on Ebay, then just wait, or find a local shop that will hold one for you.

For example, I'm going to try and get the Wii this weekend, I've been calling my stores (ranging from Toys 'R Us to Best Buy to Wal-Mart) to find out who is doing what, how many they'll have, etc. I really didn't want to have to "camp" with other people at midnight tonight to get this, and luckily, none of these stores are having a Midnight opening, which means I can be a normal human being tomorrow morning - get up around 7:00 AM, have a cup of coffee, drive over to the stores around 8:00 AM when they open, and pick up a Wii. It's that simple. And if they run out? Boohoo. I'll wait for the next shipment, when they'll have 3 million units instead of tomorrows 1 million.

A bigger problem with the PS3 is I'm hearing a ton of glitches and problems, which is EXACTLY why I didn't go for the launch version. Sony has a history with the Playstation of having substandard reliability, but launch gear is always prone to such problems. Now, even more so, because Sony rushed these 400,000 units out of the factory so that they didn't lose any ground to Nintendo after losing so much to Microsoft already.

I'll still buy a PS3, but I'll be damned if I'll wait days in the rain in a tent, unable to leave the line, so I can play a video game. Get real.