Originally Posted By: AppleOnYa

'Complex' is a word that has been correctly used on the BB many times to describe Michael. Fredo wasn't 'complex' at all. Fredo wasn't even smart enough to realize he wasn't SMAAAAT - not DUMB LIKE EVERYBODY SAID!!


Maybe not, but more complex and certainly more retrospective than say... Santino.

Two scenes....1)Vito is lying in bed after he learns of Michael's role in the Sollozo hit, and 2) in II when Mike says "Fredo you're my brother, you don't have to apologize."....In these two scenes we see Fredo in retrospect, on one hand mourning the fact that he was too weak to save his father from the hit and the other scene in II w/ Mike he gives a look of silent frustration as Mike embarasses someone AGAIN.

Sure he was a drunken louse but Puzo portrays him CLEARLY I think as the most thoughtful and compassionate of the brothers. He would have had a great career perhaps in child care??

Last edited by Ice; 11/18/06 10:15 AM.