Originally Posted By: Fame
Ronnie...why cant I argue with capo? is he maradona or something?
No, I'm not. I'm about three feet taller, for starters. And three tons lighter.

but Maradona is handsomer.

I'm not really interested in stories.

Its true that there are great movies out there with simple plots. But life is a collection of stories, how can you not be interested in other stories? I dont remember your reviews to be simply a description of the camera angle, the great visuals, and thats about it. The story is always there. Consider this paradox:
You said you despise "filmed stories/filmed plays" if I remember correctly. Taking a book or story and film it is dismissable in your eyes? Like you explained about the greatness of a joke(its not the joke, but how you tell it) - take it here: if you only care about HOW its being told, then why dismiss a filmed play? it could be told in a very special way. Yet you dismiss it for sticking to the plot with nothing new, and just a while back you said you dont care about plots? do u see the paradox here?
Indeed, some great movies are filmed plays IMO. Henry V, Death of a Salesman, Julius Caesar - top notch films in my book, because they portray the written pages in an outstanding manner. That way of portrayal is something new, regardless of it being loyal to the written play.

Why isnt the Matrix, LOTR, Terminator and Ten Commandments in your top 10 films for example? all great visuals methinks.
You have Taxi Driver in your top 10 - is it the visual take that stood out in this film, or is it the character study which hits you most?
Is "The French Connection" no more than a movie with a memorable, visually outstanding, chase?

If theres a great film about 2 guys talking in a cafe. Will you dismiss it solely based on it being poor in the visual department?

The story/ the plot is the substance, the core. Every film begins with that. You work your way from there, building the film in the visual method you prefer.

Are you familiar with Da Vinci's painting - The Last Supper?
What would this painting be if it was not a portrayal of...well,the last supper? thats the story within this painting.
You take that away, and what do you have? a bunch of guys eating dinner. Beautiful picture, but worldwide masterpiece?

it seems to be that you're saying that all Art is good and if it isn't good, it isn't Art?

By all means NO. Art can be disgusting, manipulative, dangerous and dishonest.

Post no.3 on the way......

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)