Mr. Cold-Hearted, Not-Personal-Its-Business, Fantasy-Loving, Astro-Hating, Flip-Flopping CS wants to know why I love my team?

Houston is the only city I know - where I was born, raised, live, and plan to stay. I think that this gives me the natural inclination to root for the home team. Also, anyone in my family that follows baseball follows the Astros. My uncles, grandpa, and brother are about the most pessimistic fans you can find, but deep down, they also care about them and want them to win. I love that I can always enjoy watching a game with my fellow fans in the family anytime we're around each other during the season. Even in the offseason, it's a constant conversation piece among us.

As reluctant as I am to trust any "big business" people in baseball, I feel like our owner truly cares about the fans and wants what's best for the team. If a deal needs to be made, he's willing to go through with it, and he always shows appreciation for all of the fan support. I missed out on the Larry Dierker managerial era, but he's a much respected figure in the Astros organization, and my mom has mentioned how much she liked him when he was skipper. Despite a few complaints I've had - probably simply out of needing someone as a scapegoat - I think Garner's also done a fine job in the time he's been with us.

We've got a few fairweather fans down here that think the season starts around September/October, but the real fan base really is great - always willing to cheer them on and stay dedicated. I'm sure we don't compare to Boston or NY in terms of strength, but us true-blue followers do what we can to support our team. In school, on the Internet, at the stadium, and elsewhere, I've always found it a pleasure to talk with other Astro fans, and I think that, aside from a few bad eggs, our group will - at the very least - show respect for other teams. (Except the Scrubs. Right, CS?)

Finally, the players themselves are the main reason I root for the Astros. They're nicknamed the "good guys," and they truly are. Sometimes they're even too nice - I've seen Berkman pick up equipment/gear for players from the other team. Several of them are very religious, and I've read they have prayer meetings when they can't attend church. They're funny in interviews and have great personalities. Of course, some come and some go, but I get really attached to them.

....and that's why you should pick Houston, CS!