It's been a running joke in the fantasy baseball threads that my #1 allegiance is to my fantasy team. That may be true ( ) and some believe that such a vacuous allegiance leaves me unrooted and unstable (I think those were Gina's words ).

Living in Chicago, I guess it would be natural for me to follow the Scrubs or the White Sox but you know what - I'm just not feeling those two teams. It may be partly because I'm a Chicago transplant (I was originally from Houston), so a connection to either team would be flimsy at best. Also, rooting for lovable losers is one thing; rooting for losers with the Chicago Tribune as owners is another.

In any case, I'm in search of a new team to follow. I pose the following questions: Why do you root for your favorite baseball team? Were you born into it? The great tradition? Great fan base? Great management/ownership?

Last edited by Don Sicilia; 11/17/06 06:56 PM.