Just for you Fame

Superman Returns *** 1/2
(Second Viewing)

After a long period in space, looking for the remains of planet Krypton, Superman returns to Earth. He misses Lois Lane, who got married and has a son with Richard White. Meanwhile, Lex Luthor plots an evil plan, using crystals he stole from the Fortress of Solitude, to create a new land and submerge the USA.

I'm probably the only member on here who feels this way but I enjoyed this movie more than Batman Begins. Sure this movie ran a little long (with a runtime of about 2 hours and 26 minutes), but like I said, I enjoyed it more than old Bats. To start, I feel one of the only people alive who could fill the shoes Gene Hackman left as Lex Luthor is Kevin Spacey (who I believe is one of the finest actors alive today). Brandon Routh was great as Superman and stepped up to the challenge nicely. Kate Bosworth I was against at first and here's why, she's a good actor but she just looks too young for the part IMO. Finally, Parker Posey added some candid humor as Luthor's sidekick, Kitty.

What a spitting image: