Ronnie...why cant I argue with capo? is he maradona or something?

capo....whats a bad film? most films are bad, I tell you.
Should I only watch the good ones? no sir.
Each movie is a story Id like to explore. I learned quite a lot from movies I consider to be crap. Unfortunately, life is too short to watch all films so we do try to have some standards. Still, if I can enjoy watching a movie which is not of high quality, why shouldnt I? art is subjective; what's art for me may not be art for you, and vice versa.
I think Dr Zhivago is the most crafted film ever. I think every second in this film is a second worthy of place in the museum right next to Mona Lisa. Thats art for me. You may think the movie is overlong, with unnecessary scenes, not interesting etc.

Art is in the eye of the beholder.

Anyways...I want to ask about the rating system...never understood those stars. If I give "the usual suspects" 10/10 or 5 stars claiming it a masterpiece....and the next day I give "the godfather" the same rate....does that mean these movies are on the same level? because as much as I love the usual suspects I cant say its anywhere near the there goes the paradox of the rating system.
A movie can be a 10/10 if it exceeds your expectations...and yet still be way behind another movie of the same rating, so how is your system work?

If I married an ugly woman after a number of beauties, it would mean that I found somethin within her that moves me. Beauty is no more than a shell.

If you shut away ugliness from your world, how will you know what is pretty?

GOOD must co-exist with BAD in order to exist.

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)