Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Good, another sign-up for the Yankee Pension Fund.

Is it me, or was Irishman earlier trying to hype up the fucked Red Sox's chances in 2007, just to say that, when they do fail, that the "Red Cocks" can't cut the mustard with the Yankees?

Still, $51 million for just the right to negotiate with this unproven pitcher? That's like spending $100 on a phone call to order up a $20 blowjob. Its silly.

Yes, that caught my eye also. Maybe Irish has gotten some anger management help.

But Bitch and moan all you want Yankee Fans, about what the Boston team is spending. The Yankees still out spent Boston by 60-70%. Yes, that is percentage. I don't care how many Yankee fans yell and scream about this. Unless Boston spends close to what the Yankee payroll is the it hasn't change a fuckin thing. And I don't care how many ass kissing sports writer say it.

It doesn't take a math major to understand the difference between 200 million and 120 million in payroll. Boston is the 2nd highest, but what about all the other teams that are sending far less the Boston. It makes the gap between those teams even larger from the Yankees.

Just to set the record straight. I think all team that pay these prices are just showing the Avg. American how fucked up this sport is getting. For crying out loud. People are killing themselves trying to provide for their families and make ends meet for what these guys get for less then one game. Now this is getting out of whack.

Tell it to the old, the poor who can't pay their bills or afford their Meds.... I know the two things don't mean shit, but damn, when Baseball fans are bitching about what each team is spending like they are talking about fake money and their are so many problems for so many people, we have to start to say, enough is enough.

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CAUTION: This Post has not been approved by Don Cardi.

You really don't expect people to believe your shit do you?

Read: "The Daily Apple"- Telling America and the Gangster BB like it really is!