Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Grand Canyon
Lawrence Kasdan
1991 US (1st time; big screen)
In LA, the lives of an immigration worker, his wife, his secretary, his son, and the black man with a deaf daughter and poor sister who saves his life, all interweave.
Terrible, for the most part; it's a love or hate affair, and many may find some moments of worth. Haggis' Crash owes much to it, and as a comment on life-changing coincidences, Magnolia may even too. Still, it's entirely missable, often risible stuff.

Amazing how two people can find something TOTALLY different. (Well, "amazing" may be overstating it).

I love "Grand Canyon". I love the type of movie that deals with life-altering events and the possibilities of how we all have to take some sort of responsibility for others. "Grand Canyon" is this type of movie, and its wonderfully paced, acted and filmed.

Perhaps this is why I love "Its a Wonderful Life" and you don't, Mick.
