Originally posted by TheSicilian123:
... Fredos dumb how did he ever last that long in the business? hahaha
He didn't.

He couldn't even protect his father or even get a shot at the assasins. He couldn't even hold on to a gun. That's why he was packed off to Vegas to 'rest' and learn the casino business. That's why they took care of him, but gave him nothing more important to do than planning parties, picking up people at airports and bringing 2 million to his brother in Havana.

And that's why he got frustrated and turned TRAITOR. Because he was too dumb to realize that he was to dumb to play an active role in the family.

He didn't last in the business, and he didn't even last in the family.

He was DUMB, and he DIDN'T KNOW !!



A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.