Sony is in deep (considerably deep) financial shit already (which is why their stock is shaky). If the PS3 doesn't sell like hotcakes - and with its current retail price, it won't be flying off the shelves (after the launch, of course) like the Wii and the X-Box 360 in 2007 - Sony is going to either have to cut its losses (erm...add to its losses?) and drop the PS3 down to a more affordable range or...risk complete ruin. They'll make a shitload on software. Why not offer the PS3 without the blu-ray and people will hop on that shit. I don't care if it comes with a free Talledega Nights DVD...who gives fuck? Make it cheaper so the average person doesn't have to sell an organ to get this thing. They're only making 400,000 units which means demand will be artificially inflated, but hell, that number is coming by the skin of their teeth, because they can't make them this cheap with the blu-ray and have had numerous delays already (Spring 2006 release, anyone else remember that old chestnut?).

For my holiday purchase, its going to be Wii - the nice price, and Twilight Princess sealed the deal. Sony will have to wait until their console loses its ridiculous pricetag before I even consider dropping my cold hard cash on that black and chrome behemoth.