So true DC, and I might add even when your kids become adults there are times they can warm your heart. There's always that special pride in your own.

Once, when my girls were 3 & 5 we went to Michigan for Christmas. We were on the plane, and my husband looked out the window and said to the girls, "Wow, I think I just saw a glimpse of Santa's sleigh." Their eyes were wide open with excitement as the quickly looked out the window to try to see Santa. They believed wholeheartedly. The Santa phase is so very short.

That feeling also, I might add carries on to the grandkids. The innocence of a child can be soooo cute. My grandaughter who is now four is in preschool. This school touches lightly on religion. On her second or third time there they told the parents that they were going to mention Adam & Eve. When my grandaughter came home from preschool, my daughter asked her, "How was preschool, did you have fun, how are the kids in your room", etc. Then she asked, "did you hear about Adam & Eve?" My grandaughter replies, "yea! They were in my class too." I don't think she quite grasped it. So cute though. You wonder what their little minds are thinking.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon