Wow, that movie sounds very inspirational. I'll check it out when I next visit the local DVD bootleggers.

COOL WORLD (1992) - * - BOMB

There are two types of bad movies. The usual kind, where you can eventually find ways to mock the shit out of it, and excuse the pain you suffered. The second kind, you can't.

Ralph Bakshi was a naughty talented animator mostly known for his "retroscoping" style(i.e. film people, then draw over their movements and bodies) in such works as the pretty insane WIZARDS, the infamously overrated FRITZ THE CAT, the crappy(-ier) version of LORD OF THE RINGS, and the flawed but interesting AMERICAN POP.

Thing is, I usually found something to appreciate or at least to defend Bakshi with. (I mean, WIZARDS you had mutant magical creatures with thicker than brick Brooklyn accents.)

But with COOL WORLD, he fails. Not just fail, but fail as amazingly as the Hindenburg or Senator John Kerry.

Maybe the core problem is that the film has 3 story-ideas that perhaps could have worked individually in a decent flick. A 1940s' mediocre-cop (Brad Pitt) gets trapped in a f*cked-up alternate reality of cartoons, and becomes its cheif law enforcer. An infamous comic book artist(Bryne) of the present day goes into the world of his creation. A cartoon babe wants to escape into the real world. Together, we get a motion picture that has no clear concept or narrative approach of what it wants to be.

As a result, the audience has the same reaction that a person would if they found that an intruder broke into their home, stole their computer, and then shit on the bed. We're angry, we feel vioalted, and quite revolted that we wasted our time.

Of course, it might very well be that this disaster is aggreviated by Bakshi's notably inept shooting of live-action. Really, why couldn't he hire some hack commercial director to do it? Surely they wouldn't have bombed as well as Bakshi did.

You know, now I'll be nicer to Brad Pitt's movies. Maybe MEET JOE BLACK, LEGEND OF THE FALLS, OCEAN'S 12, MR. & MRS. SMITH, and other of his crap aren't as awful as I figured. Now I've seen Pitt's super turkey.