Originally Posted By: bogey
So, as most of you probably know (because I bitch about her constantly) I hate my roommate with the passion of a thousand suns. She needs to be dropkicked. Anyway. I'm never at my house anymore, maybe 10% of my time is spent there. If that. My point is, I'm never there, sleeping or otherwise. I find other places to crash. This is mainly because of her. I can't stand the girl. So the last few weeks I've been noticing that there hasn't been any toilet paper in the bathroom... but surely she'd buy some, right? Well the other day, I stopped by my house on my way to class to go to the bathroom. LO AND BEHOLD there was a full roll of toilet paper in there. SWEET! Right? So I go to my classes, come back about 4 hours later and the toilet paper is gone. So I did some sleuthing, and what should I find hidden under the bathroom sink? Why, ITS THE TOILET PAPER.


She HID THE TOILET PAPER FROM ME. Because I didn't pay for it. All 50 cents worth.

Yeah. So I immediately started plotting with my mom on the phone. I came up with the brilliant idea of REVENGE.

And I took pictures and added captions. Mwuhahaa. Make sure you look at them in order, top to bottom.


Classic. Now you have to start doing things like replacing her toothpaste tube with Desitin or some other ungodly tasting material. And of course, line her bedroom slippers with the toothpaste.