Originally Posted By: Ice
...1.Rocco is the first name Tom mentions in the meeting w/ MIke afterward. We know Mike does not suspect Neri b/c he sends him to move out Klingman.

2.Rocco's prints are all over the grounds, he is the one leading the 'response' team after the hit.

3.Rocco escorts DeAnna to her room who later says after the shooting, 'right out my window, they're lying their dead....'

4.Rocco goes on a ridiculously impossible suicide mission at the end of the movie.

5.Do you think Fredo was the ONLY traitor from inside the family whom the conspirators would have needed? ...

NONE of these things you mention can be considered even a hint that Rocco was involved in the hit or had betrayed Michael in any way. If he were, we FFC would have provided far more solid evidence by the end of the film.

Yes, I do think Fredo was the only one they needed.

No, I don't think he went into the Roth hit thinking it was a 'suicide mission'.

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I'm singin' in the rain...just singin' in the rain...what a glorious feelin, I'm HAPPY again

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.