Originally Posted By: Double-J
1.) Resigning Clemens or Pettitte is retarded. Ever hear of Kevin Brown? Holy shit. I mean, I'd consider either if they had some skinny contracts, but I wouldn't bet my rotation on either. We've already got the geriatric ward out there with Randy Johnson.

Clemens looks like he still has some in the tank although if that transfers to the AL is yet to be determined. I think it'd be smart to get him for what he has shown in the past (especially in Houston) but you're right, I wouldn't overspend on him, especially if it'll only be for half a season!

Originally Posted By: Double-J
2.) Matsuzaka will be a Yankee. The Yanks won't be outbid by anyone. Plus, why is Daisuke coming? Money and a championship. He may get some money from Texas, but they aren't a contender. The Yankees are a better fit.

I hope you're right. Plus, at least now Hideki will have someone to talk to