Originally Posted By: AppleOnYa
Long/Short/In-between Answers:

1. Although he did get killed, Rocco's hit on Roth was NOT considered a suicide mission. After being questioned about it by Michael, he stated it would be 'difficult...not impossible'. Which implies that though extremely dangerous, he felt he could possibly accomplish the mission and escape.

So your saying its NOT considered a suicide mission but Rocco does think it to be 'extremely dangerous, and feels he can POSSIBLY escape?' Maybe not suicide bomber type suicide but 'extremely dangerous' all the same.
Also, 'Difficult not impossible' refers more to Tom's assertion that 'theres no way we can get to him.' Not referring to Rocco/potential gunmens chances of escape.

MY THEORY--Is it possible that Mike CANNOT under any circumstances afford to have any of the gunmen fall into the FBI's hands? After all he is just coming off perjury charges. If they send in a team, one or more gunmen are either likely to survive, or fall to the FBI. Either way, they are now dangerous to Mike. Soooo.....he cannot have anyone survive the hit and become a possible witness. Whoever whacks Roth cannot live to tell about it........Sacrificial Rocco. Therefore, "Mike thats impossible theres no way we can get to him" means we can't get to him w/o having the FBI take hostages.....Oh yes we can Tom, 'difficult not impossible' Rocco will sacrifice his life like Frankie in order to pay his debt.

Last edited by Ice; 11/09/06 06:06 AM.