DISSOLVE TO: Back of a Restaurant in Jersey City. There are Breakfast Club and Brat Pack members seated and standing around a conference table. Don Malta sits at the head of the table. -day

DONMICHEALCORLEONE : Don Malta, I want to thank you for helping me organize this -- breakfast here today. And also the other members of the Breakfast Club and The Brat Pack-- New York and New Jersey. SB from the Bronx -- and ah -- Brooklyn -- SC. An' from Staten Island, we have with us Don Cardi. And all the other associates that came as far as from California, and the United Kingdom, and all the other territories of the gangsterbb -- thank you. (then, sitting down) How did things ever get so far? I don't know. It was so -- unfortunate -- so unnecessary.

DoubleJ lost a debate -- and I lost a debate. We're quits. And if DoubleJ agrees, then I'm willing to -- let things go on the way they were before...

DON MALTA : We're all grateful to DonMichaelCorleone for calling this meeting. We all know him as a man of his word -- a modest man -- he'll always listen to reason...

DOUBLEJ : Yes, Don Malta -- he's too modest. He had all those invitations in his pocket. He refused to share them...with the Brat Pack...

DONMICHAELCORLEONE : When -- when did I ever refuse an accommodation? All of you know me here -- when did I
ever refuse? -- except one time. And why? Because -- I believe this name calling business -- is gonna destroy the gangsterbb in the years to come. I mean, it's not like discussing or debating -- even disagrements -- which is something that some members seem to want nowadays, and is ah forbidden to them by the moderators of the boards. And I believed that -- then -- and I believe that now.
DON MALTA : Times have changed. It's not like the other boards -- when we can say anything we want. A refusal to invite a Brat Pack member to a Breakfast Club meeting is not the act of a friend. If DonMichaelCorleone had all the invitations in his pocket, then he must share them, or let the Brat Pack use them. He must let them draw the water from the well. Certainly he can -- propose that we split the bill at such events; after all -- we are not Communists.

DON CARDI (after some laughter from the group, stands):
I also don't believe in clubs. For years I paid my people extra so they wouldn't join them. --

[DoubleJ whispers something to one of his Brat Pack aides]

DON CARDI (continues): -- Somebody makes a post to the boards and says, "I have reservations made; if you give me three, four or five people -- we can have a breakfast club meeting." So they can't resist. I want to get rid of these clubs, keep it respectable and make us all one again.

(then, as he slams his hand on the table)

I don't want any political debates near the Godfather Trilogy Thread -- I don't want any Political Debates near the Scarface Threads! That's an infamia. In my threads, we move the politcal shit over to the General Discussion Thread -- the off topic thread. Politicians are animals anyway, so let them lose their souls...

DONMICAHELCORLEONE :I hoped that we would come here and reason together. And as a reasonable man I'm willing to do whatever's necessary to -- find a peaceful solution to disolve these clubs...

DON MALTA : Then we are agreed. The debates in General will be permitted, but controlled -- and DonMichaelCorleone will give up his Breakfast Club -- DoubleJ will give up his Brat Pack club and there will be the peace.

DOUBLEJ :But I must have strict assurance from DMC -- as time goes by and his position becomes stronger, will he attempt any individual vendetta?

DON MALTA :Look -- we are all reasonable men here; we don't have to give assurances as if we were lawyers...

DONMICHAELCORLEONE (holding up his hand to interrupt DoubleJ): You talk about vengeance -- is vengeance gonna bring your club back to you? Or my club to me? I forgo the vengeance of my breakfast club -- But I have selfish reasons. Another breakfast club member -- was forced to leave these boards, --

(then, as he stands, with Sicilian Babes's assistance)

-- because of this Breakfast Club / Brat Pack business. All right -- and I have to make arrangements to bring

him back here safely -- cleared of all these false charges. But I'm a superstitious man -- and if some member here should make an attack against hims -- if he should get banned by some moderator here -- or if he -- should embaress himself by getting trapped in a personal debate -- or if he's struck by a bolt of lightning -- then I'm going to blame some of the people on these boards! And that, I do not forgive.


But -- that aside -- let me say that I swear -- on the souls of my grandchildren -- that I will not be the one to break the peace that we have made here today...

[The dmc and sb move toward the head of the table where Don Malta is sitting. DoubleJ does the same. DMC and DoubleJ embrace as the others applaud]

CUT TO: DonMichaelCorleone's car driving -night

CUT TO: Inside the car where the DonMichaelCorleone and Sicilian Babe are sitting in the rear -night

SICILIAN BABE :When I meet with the Brat Pack people, should I insist that all there future posts are clean?

DONMICHAELCORLEONE : Mention it -- don't insist. Don Malta is a man who'll know that without being told.

SICILIAN BABE : You mean DoubleJ...


DoubleJ's a pimp -- he never'a could've outfought The Breakfast Club. But I didn't know until this day that it was -- Don Malta all along...


Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.