Originally Posted By: Mad Johnny

1) Few get high brow humor
2) However, low brow seems to be beneath them
3) Constant attacks
4) A skewed representation where people who support Bush are the majority, when in reality the majority of Americans do not
5) Failure to get sarcasm
6) Failure to see that the "Breakfast Club" term is a freakin joke
7) Several posts made in response to said joke as if it were real
8.) Said posts legitimatized elitist feelings that were previously only joked about
9) Intimidation tactics
10) Selective moderating
11) Poor spelling
12) Poor grammar
13) People acting innocent
14) The same debates happen over and over again
15) When said debates are hit with sarcasm, people freak out
16) Overreacting
17) Failure to have continuity between real posts
18) Failure to hold real debate
19) Failure to address these issues
20) Failure to grow the hell up

Please. Let's not forget

21) Failure to use 'Smiley's' when kidding therefore unfairly forcing others to misinterpret your posts.

22) Frequent pot-stirring.

Time to polish the spoon collection.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.