Originally Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone
Sure Double-J because it was the Breakfast Club who started attacking you, it wasn't the BratPack attacking the Breakfast Club for no reason at all, well I guess the reason being that we get along off the boards and have real friendships.

Right. Because, after all, we've come out and attacked you, right? In every thread. We're just following you everywhere...dee-dee-dee-dee...you're now entering the Twilight Zone.

Originally Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Actually, whats funny is that we didn't say anything about the BratPack we only commented on how some people will only post third grade humor with the petty name calling and ruining threads...if the shoe fits.

Actually, you used the Brat Pack by name. I don't even need a shoe horn for that one.

At least have the balls to admit to what you said. It's no be deal - just tell the truth. Alas, if only the Shoutbox had an archive.