Seriously? A few here know (I don't know a lot of who's-who here anymore, because I became a "nomad" in & out of here long before now) my tale of woe. Frankly, I got tired of all the political exchanges and believer-bashing by the so-called "enlightened, progressive" crowd who belittles everything held absolute by others because they themselves have no absolutes...or much sense, for that matter. Just gets my blood pressure up, and who needs to waste time listening to fools like that when life is so short?

I miss the good ol' days when we'd argue movies, flirt with our lady posters here, or ridicule spoiled celebs, etc. Sure, I've done my share of "political exchange," theological discussions, etc. But most of the more civil, sensible folks who debated the other side are gone (Plaw, to name one), why hang around with kiddies in a sandbox?

Thankfully, a few bright spots still shine here, but it's getting dimmer. I hope Geoff and SC still keep it going, though. Maybe it'll return to its Golden Days soon.

"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)