Originally posted by Willie Cicci:
...I don't see relaxation and a lack of suspicion at all, in Cazale's performance! I see desperate, suppressed fear, bordering on panic. Look at the way Fredo stammers and looks feeble.
I guess it's a great actor who can present multiple personalities to different watchers. (that's a conciliatory way of putting it!)

He also doesn't look convinced that Michael has "forgiven" him. I think he knew that Michael wasn't really forgiving him at all. Look at the histrionic way he clutches Michael's back - I see that as signifying his desperate wish that this was genuinely a reconciliation ...
Fredo 'stammers and looks feeble' in just about every scene in which he appears in BOTH Godfather films.

Yes, I agree that John Cazale WAS a great actor but we have to take into account what is consistent for THIS character.

Speaking of the reconcilliation hug at mama's wake...I believe that Fredo's clutching of Michaels' back is pure emotion and sentiment, at the fact that he DOES believe his brother has reconciled with him. It's not a desparate wish, it's what he truly thinks is happening. Let's remember, it was Fredo who first asked to see Michael and Tom said no way. Because of Connie's intervention, Michael finally came to Fredo and in Fredos mind (mine too - the first time) that meant they were brothers again and there was nothing to fear.

Fredo didn't know.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.