Originally Posted By: Don Sicilia
And Zia, just wanted to let you know that cuteness is not a scoring category in the Yahoo game.

It should be... look at my players, I'd be in first place! But seriously, Sasha was doing so much better in the preseason games, that's why I picked him up. I'm giving him another week or so, and if he doesn't score a little better (or at all), he's out. Psh! Who does he think he is, trying to get by on just his looks?

By the way, Gi, I wasn't kidding about my hot team... you should see my roster. Manu, Sasha, Vlad, etc. And I didn't even pick them up only for their looks, these boys can actually play! And DB's making snide comments, but what he's not mentioning is that I'm beating him.

SB, the Golden Butt thing cracked me up!! I'm still laughing from it every time I think of it. And Mig, taking it one step further... tsk tsk!