Originally Posted By: Don Sicilia
This is one of my favorite parts from the movie:

"This isn't what happened last week--have you all got amnesia?--THEY JUST CHEATED US--THIS WASN'T FAIR - HE DIDN'T GET OUT OF THE COCKADOODIE CAR!"

I don't know if I even want to think about this.

I know what this quote is about, from the book, but...it was not in the movie I just watched. And I'm starting to worry. We taped it off the Family Channel - is it possible that they cut out a scene (or several scenes?!) from the movie, because of the viewing audience??? I mean, my dad fell asleep about halfway through, but I know I didn't. And I didn't black out. If that "cockadoodie" Family Channel cut out part of that movie...which they must have...