Originally posted by Willie Cicci:
....When Anthony is called away, I see his reaction as being one of resigned disappointment. ("Ah, shit!") He knows he is isolated now, and is going to die. When he says to Al, "Let's go Al," I see a man accepting his fate, and preparing for execution....
When Anthony is called away, Fredo is disappointed because his nephew cannot go fishing with him. He did not keep Anthony around as 'protection'; Fredo may have been stupid but he knew darn well that if his brother wanted him dead he would find a way to get it done. Fredo would never have stayed at the compound, let alone hang around Anthony, if he thought he was going to be killed. If you look at the earlier fishing scene, as well as the last one, Fredo is much too relaxed and contented, even when Anthony is called away by Connie. He is not 'resigned' to the fact that he is about to die, because he doesn't know he's about to die. He truly believes Michael has forgiven him. And Michael knows this.

Fredo didn't know.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.