Hey Hagen, I'm impressed with you. A good dedication in digging around old stiff D.W. Griffith's work. Much more than I've ever done. Keep up the damn good work.

Irish - average highschool psychopathics? You mean they look as good as Liev Schreiber...and in their 20s?

No, I've known a real medical-certified psychopath back in high school, Irishman. The sort that was cited by the local police for, or suspected of, killing several pets in his neighborhood, but never a stint of jailtime in Juvi hall or real prison.

I didn't know him personally, but I saw every day. I never met him (thank God), but we were of the same class. He was quiet, and nobody thought much of him. Then in senior year, he jumped on some guy at a joint, actually was able to cut the poor guy's nostril(think CHINATOWN, but with knuckles instead of a blade), break 10+ bones on his face, before one of the jumped-guy's buddies pulled out his revolver of a handgun and blasted this crazy fuck to the next world. Police found his personal belongings, and after reading his journals and internet postings...the guy very well might have been on his way to being a serial killer of some form.

If anything Irish, you want a movie that, according to a good friend of mine that now works for the police as a detective, is really accurate, or at least more accurate compared to the rest of Hollywood's take on the nutty killers?

HENRY: PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER (1989), which I gave my 5-star masterpiece rating some years back.

Check that out sometime Irish. I think you would like it.

P.S. - I did like the Drew Barrymore-cameo opening in SCREAM.