Originally posted by cannoli:
It occurred to me that it could happen (emphasis on the COULD) because the whole "change in plans" scenario too closely mirrored Tessio in GFI. That's the only reason why it did, though.
Alot of what happened in GFII mirrored GF. Makes sense that the 'change in plans' scenario would be repeated years later, with another traitor. But Fredo is not Tessio and Fredo was not even around when Tessio was killed. Even if he were, Fredo just wasn't sharp enough to realize the same trap was being set. Remember, when he & Michael embraced so emotionally, Fredo thought all was forgiven and he was being welcomed back. Otherwise, he would've been far too frightened to remain at the lake.

I still say Fredo didn't know.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.