Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
You know what, Double J? I find it amazing that you can take things completely out of context over and over again. I said that I was sure that the military offered wonderful opportunities, especially to those that have none. You once again, deliberately or not, twisted my words and their meaning by taking one sentence out of what I wrote and adding your little rolly eyes. Typical.

You also said:

my nephew joined the military after flunking out of college.

he was promised skills that he could take with him when he left the army. You know where they put him? Armament repair (fixing tanks). THERE'S a skill that transitions well to civilian life.

He was NOT given training or anything else that he was able to take with him.

there were people here who feel that the army has changed its demogrpahics, and that the poor and uneducated do NOT make up its ranks. I disagree

So, let's see if Mr. Rollyeyes can get this right.

  • You're nephew flunked out of college.
  • He was recruited by the Army, and enlisted under his own will.
  • You qualify his enlistment by discussing the relentless nature of the recruiters, and then (inherently) suggest that they misled him with talk of learning a skill and going to Hawaii.

And I responded by stating that your nephew DID receive valuable skills, and is better off for his service than he would be on the streets as a social despot and criminal.

I responded by stating that the skills he had learned (mechanical or otherwise) were certainly valuable in civilian life, despite your assurances that they weren't.

You tried to cover your arse by qualifying your previous statement with the "wonderful opportunities..." post. And you claim that I'm taking you out of context, which is pretty impossible, since I responded to your main points (except for Hawaii...oh well. Maybe they only send the rich Yale graduates there, the rest go to Fort Dix...).

So once again, I respond by pointing out the fallacy of your argument.

And your response is what? That I've twisted your words and taken you out of context, yet again.

Okay. Now that we've summed that up, here's a thought. Try re-reading what I wrote again.

Mr. Rollyeyes