[quote=NYC Goodfella]
Getting into West Point is not as simple as you may think it is. To get into West Point you need an excellent high school average, you need to be a very well rounded person and you need to be highly recommended. You mean meet college requirements? Thats what I said.

You cannot just aplly to West Point and get in there like you would a noraml community college. No I guess not since ANYONE who has graduated from high school and can pay tuition can go to community college.

Most West Point graduates maintain a grade point average of 4.0 or higher, -- maybe but its not a requirement to remain at the university. I obviously never said that there were not any fine students at West Point(all colleges have students who maintain 4.0 )

and some of the miltary's best officers are former West Point graduates. ya I mentioned the two greatest generals ever in my above post

It is quite obvious that you are not familiar with the requirements needed for getting into West Point Thats what I said earlier. However on a personal note I do tutor potential college students, so I am VERY FAMILIAR with the academic requirements of admission there. And a cpl of these students have gone to one of the military schools despite NOT gaining acceptance into any of the major state schools. As far as the good ol' boy network and letters of recommendation are concerned, no, I have never applied and had to go through the process. Have you???

Last edited by Ice; 11/01/06 03:33 AM.