Originally Posted By: Letizia B.
My lack of smileys in that post may have made it come off as mean, or bad attitude or something... what I meant was that the Commish shouldn't hold back just for the sake of being nice, that I genuinely want to know his opinions, if he has any.

Yeah, re-reading it now, I see it kind of looks like, "Yeah? I wanna hear what you have to say, come here, I'm gonna kick your ass." Totally not what I meant. It should have had a more "genuine concern" mood to it. Maybe I should have had pink font or something.

I was completely offended by your lack of smilies. I was. "Where's the sweet Zia that I know?" "Has anybody seen her?" "Oh no!"

(I wouldn't even think to read your message that way! )

Last edited by Don Sicilia; 10/31/06 06:24 PM.