Originally Posted By: Don Sicilia
Originally Posted By: Letizia B.
Originally Posted By: Don Sicilia
...approved the trade (something I didn't want, but I guess that's the reality I'm in now).

What didn't you want? The time thing, or the trade itself? Because if there are any concerns about the trades, I want to hear them... I'm not going to think anyone is being tyrannical or anything.

I'm talking about the timing issue. The trade was fine.

My problem is that because the date trades are effected now depends on when I see and approve the trade (my guess is if I approved your trade tomorrow, it would have gone into effect on Thursday), it puts me in a position that in the future, some managers might say that I didn't see their trade fast enough or I saw it too fast and that they wanted it to go into effect on this date or that date...

Does that make sense?

If it was up to me, if a trade is accepted by the parties on a particular day, it will go into effect three days after, no matter when I approve it (e.g. if a trade was accepted at 10 PM Monday night, I have until 10 PM Wednesday night to approve it and it will go into effect by 10 PM Thursday night, whether or not I approved it on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday). Yahoo's system doesn't work this way for Commish-approve leagues.

That was probably TMI, wasn't it??

But in any case, I was fine with the trade, Zia.

That is a lot of power to be in the hands of one MARRIED man who might not always have access to his computer......if I doop JG into trading me Lebron for Speedy Claxton I want that thing approved A.S.A.P. and Lebron on my roster asap.

Now if you'll excuse me I have to go propose a trade to JG haha

"You gave your word, I never gave mine"