The Shining
My 2nd viewing, this time on the big screen. Nicholson and Kubrick are masters of their respective arts. This is one of the very few films which I feel benefits from being shown in fullscreen for some reason. I get the sense Kubrick just knows how to make better use of the frame. Also really enjoyed the score much more this time around, especially the Tangerine Dream opening number.

The Exorcist
Didn't live up to the hype for me. Repetitive and predictable, the thrills are cheap and drama is forgettable. Maybe it just paled in comparison, since I saw it directly after The Shining, but this just didn't do it for me. For any fans of this film, I was watching the "Version You've Never Seen." Is the theatrical release any better?

Six Shooter
Winner of the Best Live Action Short Oscar last year, Filmed and set in Ireland, comical and yet morbid, reflecting the traditional Irish pessimistic point of view on life. McDonagh revels in the awkward silences. Well worth a watch on Youtube if you've got the time.

I dream in widescreen.