Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
The Life and Times of Irishman
2006 / Dick Hed / USA

Another reason why IMDb isn't the most reliable source on the web: the release of this film has been so limited (two screens in America, one in the UK) that it hasn't reached many sources on the Internet. My curiosity was aroused when I saw it was showing at the National Film Theatre in London, so I travelled down there yesterday to see it. £11.00 in (average cinema costs over here are £5), and it was a very amusing, low budget effort, with corny acting and risible dialogue, which added to the charm of the film.

The leading actress, the one whom our hero fancies, was HOT HOT HOT, and just another reason to watch the film again and again.

I'll definitely be buying the DVD when it comes out.

Would you mind buring me a copy? I'd love to see it but it's not playing anywhere near me, Blockbuster doesn't have it yet and I can't find it anywhere to download it on the Internet

Last edited by Irishman12; 10/29/06 08:33 PM.