Acclaimed writer/director/editor/composer/producer Richard "Dick" Hed wants to tell us a self-glamorized story about a guy that after going to a nice college, and after graduation, working his movie tastes out at a homely Blockbuster workplace. Hed wants us to experience an uplifting story about a film buff turned critic that attacked the elitism among movie critics, the snobbery of their self-perceived knowledge.

Dick Hed wants to give us a true movie hero that loved film, but not snob on the latest "crappy" blockbuster picture released by Hollywood.

Instead, Hed gives a shallow, illogical, and mediocre effort that much like the subject of his would-be epic drama, never explains exactly why this critic was a true rebel proletariat for folks on the "street". The protagonist supports THE FANTASTIC FOUR or X3 because he simply liked it, but Hed never bothers to explain why. One must have characters that, if they believe in an concept or idea that is rather stupid to everyone else, at least be understanding as to why they decide as they do.

In a way, Dick Hed is more clear as to why other critics of the protagonist's time and region of the internet are critics worth listening to. TomHagen is punchful and potent. Capo is intelligent and suave with his dash of his Euro-centric mental matrix. DonVercetti's love of music, an audio poetry, has a clear effect on his reviews. RRA is well, the smartest dumb guy that one always finds at those local liquor joints, smarter than the average yokel, but still a hopeless yokel.

Too bad Mr. Hed wasn't so illustrative of his "hero".