Originally Posted By: Double-J

I'd be careful about the number of people who want A-Rod...there are quite a few teams in the market for his talent, who are missing one or two pieces of the puzzle or need a jolt in the arm and think he may be the answer.

Yes, but the question isn't who wants A-Rod; it's whom does A-Rod want? He and Boras will only consider an established and winning franchise. He will not consider waiving the no-trade clause for a fringe team or a team with a losing record. Also, few teams will be able to take on his contract, or even that portion remaining after the Yankees contribute. I'm thinking only the White Sox, Red Sox and Angels are the only ones who might be able to consider it. He's got the Yankees by the short hairs.

Also, I don't think he gives a damn about what the fans. He'll win a few games, hit some homers, and they'll be happy again. Also, he didn't care for Jeter when he got there, so that wouldn't stop him.