
Why would he stay in New York? To watch his career die? I think that Boras and Cashman will get together and make some sort of deal that will save face. A-Rod may have a no-trade clause, but he is smart enough to see that he'll never achieve the greatness its clear he desires as long as he stays in New York. So they'll chip away at his resolve and get him to go to a second-tier city - Chicago maybe - and play with slightly less of a critical lens upon him. [/quote]

His career is hardly dying. He won an MVP in NY in 2005 and hit 40 homers this year. If a post-season flop is a one-way ticket out of NY, he'll have plenty of company on that train.

Boras does not want him out of NY, and Cashman knows that he can't get equal value in return for a trade. Moreover, the number of teams to whom A-Rod or Boras would consider a trade could be counted on one hand.

A-Rod's greatness is already assured as he is a first ballot hall of famer even if he never plays another game again. He's not concerned about resurrecting a career. Also, the fact that he has few friends in the Yankee clubhouse is irrelevant as he hasn't made many friends during his stays in Seattle and Texas.

He wants the championship. While he might agree to a trade, I don't think he or Boras feel the need to play elsewhere.