He betrayed Kay. I believe that on the surface Michael felt that he could bring the Corleone Family to legitimacy, and he convinced Kay to marry him. He betrayed her in the sense that deep down inside he really knew that the chances of his bringing the family into legitimacy were very slim, and that he never should have brought someone that he loved so deeply into his world. He realized that his convincing her years before that he was going to go legit had been a factor in her decision to marry him. But because he was not really able to legitimize the family as he told her he would, and brought her into a life of lies, deceit and coldness, it was an act of betrayal on his part. And in his coldness he was unable to be the man and husband that he should have been to her, and he turned her out, broke his marriage vows, at first took her children away from her and poisoned a young son against his mother. I think that as he grew older and all these things played on his inner conscience, it eventually caused him to realize and confess that he had betrayed his wife.

Don Cardi cool

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.