The only reason they've resigned Sheffield is because they think they can get value for him in a trade, rather than let him walk. Cashman will not keep him on - he'll become a cancer in the locker room with his attitude now.

And yes, you're the only one who is glad. Sheffield is a good player when he's healthy, but with Abreu, he's obsolete, unless he learns how to pitch.

As far as going after Kenny Rogers...bah. Rogers "magic" postseason should disappear in a Game 6 (if necessary) when he'll have to wear the normal cap and be totally clean, and he'll suck like he usually does.

Zito is not worth the money he'll be getting, and plus I think the A's will re-sign him. He seemed like a head case to me when we faced him early on in the year, and we rocked him too.

And A-Rod HAS to go. Even with a no trade clause - all of this is being done to save face. They're no doubt trying to put on a good smile so that other teams will be interested, and that it can be made positive PR so it doesn't look as bad of a failure as it is. But A-Rod WILL be gone. He'll waive his no trade clause. He has no choice. The relationship between him and Jeter is colder than a witches tit, and he won't last the offseason in pinstripes.