God, this movie sucked.

If #2 defied some logic in the minds of the audience in order to recreate the same movie that #1 was....

#3 outright makes a universe that only the Bush Administration would gladly call home.

The shit that the filmmakers had to gaul to try to pass through us is incredible. Let's see...

*Somehow, despite being another franchise, and supposedly brand new faces, that being a minor league club instead of the Cleveland Indians...somehow the manager, Scott Quantum friggin Leap Bakula, meets up with Dennis Haysbert and that Japanese dude from the 2nd movie, with both now happy to play minor league ball. Huh?

*Dorn has gone from being a guy with some cash in #1, enough cash to own a franchise, only to lose it in #2, and now enough to have bought ANOTHER team, the Twins. ?

*Ted McGinnis...hasn't he appeared in a movie/TV show that hasn't failed?

*Poor Bob Urkel, now knocked from the major leagues to that of a lowly minor league baseball broadcaster.

*Ok, so Bakula is able to have an exhibition game, in the middle of the minor league season, against a major league club in the middle of its season...and why? How?

*When people in a restaurant, in Minneapolis, openly root for a minor league club to beat their local MLB franchise....really, you think average people, much less the media, give a flying fuck about a minor league team, much less one going against a MLB club that's apparently super losers themselves? You think people would give a fuck if the Royals played their AAA affiliation?

*Worse yet, a rematch that...fuck this shit.

P.S. - I originally gave the movie a *1/2, but because the nonsense pissed me off so much, it got bumped to a total loser.