Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
What are the reasons for them not to? Like, what argument is the Government using? I've been living in a hole of ignorance for a month now; I know nothing of the "news" in general.

Please, convince me (anybody), without referring to Terrorism, why not allowing these Muslim women to wear veils is a good idea.

The idea is that a lot of European countries want a very strict separation between Church and State, religion in private and in public/work.
In short: no religious symbols at work/school.
In reality: Muslims women can't wear their Burka's. Reason: a lot of anti immigrant (and especially Muslim) feelings.

And most companies, entreprises want to maintain neutral at all time. They think that if there are Muslim employees wearing a burka, that members of other religions will be offended or whatsoever.

Another argument of those in favour of forbidding, is that these burka women don't even want to wear them; that their husbands oblige them to; and that by forbidding burka's/head shawls, they are helping Muslim women.

See, we can act as smart as we want, but at the end of the day, we still follow a guy who fucks himself with kebab skewers.