That's just wrong... what the hell is that?

I've never understood why some college classes monitor attendance so strictly anyway. Like the ones who say 3 absences will lower your grade. It's so stupid. Like if showing up to class is helpful and important enough, then not showing up will affect your grade anyway, because you'll do poorly in it. Other classes, all the info is in the book, and missing a few meetings isn't going to hurt anyone.

They should just leave it alone, the stupid people will fail whether they show up or not... the smart ones will know which classes they need to show up for and which they don't, and they will learn the information and get good grades either way. There's no need to make attendace count for like 10% of one's grade. So lame. Luckily, only a few of my classes do that.

And go figure, they're the ones with the stupid profs who just paraphrase the book... they make attendance count because they're insecure about their teaching, I bet. Good professors know you're going to show up; no one ditches a good class.