Well let's not forget that five years before hand, Arthur Penn had filmed, "Bonnie and Clyde", a film that also allowed for such violence. Methinks of the similarities between their demise and that of Sonny's. And as the '60's and the '70's progressed, violence on screen became more acceptable.

Just noting that... The murders couldn't be the reason...

I'd figure it would be a bloody horses headtucked away in satan sheets.

Madness! Madness!
- Major Clipton
The Bridge On The River Kwai

GOLD - GOLD - GOLD - GOLD. Bright and Yellow, Hard and Cold, Molten, Graven, Hammered, Rolled, Hard to Get and Light to Hold; Stolen, Borrowed, Squandered - Doled.
- Greed

Nothing Is Written
Lawrence Of Arabia