
"If only I could live to see it -- to be there with you. Uh, what I wouldn't give for -- twenty more years. Here we are protected -- free to make our profits without key follow with the goddamn Justice Department and the FBI. Ninety miles away, partnership with a friendly government -- ninety miles. It's nothing. Just one small step, looking for a man that wants to be President of the United States -- and having the cash to make it possible. MICHAEL, we're bigger than U.S. Steel."
I think that while Roth's comments were calculated for effect with Michael; actually, he was also being heartfelt and letting himself dream a bit.

Ninety miles away, partnership with a friendly government (like he says, "It's nothing"). Then, dreaming a bit larger: "looking for a man that wants to be President of the United States and having he cash ..." ; then, as a final comparison, speaking to how powerful their influence is he states "we're bigger than U.S. Steel".

I really think Roth felt that the important point was "having the cash" ... actually secondary to finding "a man that wants to be President ..." (one that could be controlled of course).
Finally, the U.S. Steel reference being the epitome of that(financial) power.

The whistful words of a man feeling his own mortality, and proud of accomplishments he and associates had attained.

"we are bigger than US Steel" ... Hyman Roth and Meyer Lansky