Originally posted by Sorentino:
I voted yes as well. People did this alot in the older times, why stop now. Plus if love is really that strong towards your cousin, Then so be it. Cousins ain't blood.

I'd rather see my sister marry her cousin than turning into a homosexual. Homosexuality is what's WRONG in today's world, i'd wish people would stick to cousin relationships than to fall in love with the same sex.
Not to contribute an answer to the initial question, which was misleading...but the post above is a bit screwy.

First of all, in the cases such as that of Mary & Vincent...cousins most certainly ARE blood. Their fathers were brothers, who were born of the same set of parents. They are blood relatives.

Second, the fact that they fell in love is not what's to be agreed or disagreed with. You can't help who you fall in love with. Whether or not you ACT upon that love is what's up for discussion. Neither apparently let their biological bond get in the way (though Vincent may have tried at the beginning). Vincent's only motivation for finally giving Mary up forever was his desire to be Don Corleone.

Third, if you prefer incest to homosexuality it's your decision to make. However, if your (incorrect) argument is going to be that 'cousins ain't blood', then loving someone of the same sex ain't blood either. Again...you cannot help with whom you fall in love.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.