Hi, first, i have doubts about Michael and his "reign". If something is wrongs or if you have another opinion, please, tell it. I would like expert opinions wink . As always, sorry for my bad english.

Maybe Michael is boss between 1950 and 1980. In 1955 he kills Barzini, Tatagglia ... and he retires to Nevada " legally ". As boss of NY's Family it is not very logical that he retires to another city without leaving supervised by the Family a successor. This case remembers me the Joe Bonanno's life, " officially retired " in Arizona but with great influence on his Family. Therefore, there must be a boss that must remain in NY. For example, if John Gotti, boss in NY, was retired to another city and continue as boss of his Family. It is illogical, and the Commission would not accept it. Joe Bonanno was seen badly by the Commission and it "exiled" him.
So, Winergardner says that Mike retires with Kay to Las Vegas and rapidly later to Tahoe (theoretically he will be in the legality) and Clemenza takes charge of NY's business. Therefore, probably Clemenza should be at least acting boss (why not boss?). Anyhow, Mike always is in the Commission and other Families considered him the person more important of his Family and, besides, Mike names Clemenza as consigliere, it complicate the situation and this provokes that Clemenza is not seen as an authentic boss. Clemenza dies in 1957. In the Godfather II, the manager of the business in NY is Frank Pentangeli, so probably he would be the successor of Clemenza as acting boss. Equally, though Mike is not in NY, he is considered the boss of the Family. This is strange, and theoretically, I believe that must not be tolerated by the Commission. Later, when Pentangeli kills himself, I do not know who is the "boss" in NY, I suppose that Mike is the "only " boss, though I do not believe that he was in NY and he was remaining in Nevada. Winegardner does not say anything on the period between 1959 (when The Godfather II finishes) and 1961. In 1961, according to Winegardner, the new boss in NY would be Nick Geraci, chosen by Mike. This resigns "again " to NY's business. Geraci is the "official" boss of Corleone family. In fact, this situation is the same that Clemenza and Pentangeli's situation (acting bosses?), because Mike is in the Commission and they consider him the most influential person of his Family. In 1962 Geraci flees and Mike will be "again" boss. Mike returns to NY.

I expect not to have bored you. bye smile

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