I do agree that Roth and Michael were equally playing the concerned the father/son role but in reality was after each others territory by murdering one another.

We can go back and forth with this point but I don't think that the bartender plays this vital role as you seem he does. The "Michael says hello" was not meant for the bartender. If I recall, the bartender physically turned his back on the garroting, so I don't think he heard anything (or at least is meant to hear) anything that Anthony said in the first place.
As Frankie stated, it was a 10 to 1 shot that Michael was taking the fifth. Therefore, the committee was not trying to trap Michael into perjuring himself. No one expected him to answer questions in the first place. Michael should have taken the fifth, expecially after Willi Cicci was flapping his lips about him. You never know what unknowns that are in store.
I don't think Tom can instruct Michael in the first place. So I will not use Tom as an escape goat.
Maybe its just me, the screenplay is not perfect, but I don't think that the plot is as complicated as many make it out to be. if you have more unanswered questions than answered ones, then I believe that you guys are on the wrong track.

Send the car for me too, mama