The best Don was Vito......The most feared would be Michael...even more so than Sonny.
Don ran his family like an empire.....Michael ran it like an Army. Everyone was happy with Don Vito in charge, his reputation was that of respect.....Michael's rep was that of fear......once you are not afraid of someone or something, there is nothing is like when I was growing up.....My father chose to have us fear him, and my grandfather chose to have us respect him......when I was old enough to stand up to my father, and I didn't fear him anymore....there was nothing left for us. But when my grandfather was in the old folks home, in a wheel chair, not even remembering my name.....I came by to see him 3 or 4 times a week......out of respect. That is why Don Vito was the best.

The Bull!!!

" straightened my brother out??"

"Give him a living, but never discuss the family business in front of him."