Scene: Daytime, inside of the front door of Vincent's club in Little Italy. One of Vincent's people opens the door. We see Hagen talking to him and

Tom - I am Tom Hagen, here to see Vincent Mancini.

Hood - Wait here. (goes upstairs and knocks on a door) Vinnie a guy says he's Tom Hagen here to see you.

Vincent - Bing him up. I'll see him alone.

(Cut to indside of club. Vincent and Tom are seated.)

Vincent - Tom, anything I can get you? SOemthing to eat? A drink? I have some gnocchi...

Tom - Thanks Vincent, no.

Vincent - Mike sent you here (more than a statement than a question)

Tom - nods.

Vincent - Mike sent you to tell me something he doesn't want to bring up himself.

Tom - You always were bright, Vincent.

Vincent - He wants me to do something.

Tom - More like something he wants you to stop doing.

Vincent - Tom I wont do that.

Tom - Its dangerous.

Vincent - Yeah, so what. So I should be scared?

Tom - Its not your safety that concerns Michael.

Vincent - I can take care of Mary.

Tom - Vincent, Michael says part of your learning will be to study the ancient myths of Zeus and Hera, Oedipus and the biblical accounts of Sarah and Abraham.

Vincent - Yeah, whats that stuff gotta do with me?

Tom - They are old warnings that say its dangerous to love people within your family the way you and Mary love each other.

Vincent - So Uncle Mike wants me to give her up? Is this some test of loyalty, because if it is...look tell Uncle Mike if there is anything I can do other than this...

Tom - I don't know Vincent, I don't think he takes any refusal as an act of loyalty. I have never known him to ask a second favor.

Vincent (pleading) - Anything, Tom, anything but what you ask.

Tom - Well there could be something...

(Cut to Michael's office)

Michael - So he went for it.

Tom - Yeah, Mikie, he's making preparations now.

Michael - Good. Now lets get Connie in here. (He lifts the phone and pushes a button) find Connie and ask her to step in.

Tom - How are you going to handle this?

Mike - Let me do the talking.

(Connie enters)

Connie - Michael, what is it?

Mike - Connie, sit down. (She sits)

Mike (leaning forward at his desk) Connie I know how fond you are of Vincent, and I respect how far he's come. Today I sent Tom here to talk to him about Mary, and he refuses to give her up.

Connie - Michael, I know its wrong, but maybe it should just run its course.

Mike - Connie, Connie Connie, have such a good outlook....Vincent has proposed an alternative. He says he will go to Sicily now, and put down all this trouble as a show of loyalty.

Connie - Michael, give him the chance.

Mike - You know, Pop always said never ask a second favor. Why should I do anything differently?

Connie - He's your nephew, Michael, your own blood.

Mike - I know.

Connie - Your own blood as much as Sonny or FREDO.

Mike (winces) - All right. Just this once. I will allow him this favor. But on one condition. You tell Mary she is not to interfere with this trip.

Connie - Thank you Michael. (she gets up and leaves).

Tom - So is it all in place?

Mike - No.

Tom - What is leftfor me to do?

Mike - I want you to pay a visit to our friend Altobello. Tell him that Vincent knows that he backed Joey Zasa, and that he knows there are people in Immobiliare that Altobello himself answers to. I want you to convince Altobello that Vincent is out of control. That his temper has got the better of him, and that he is going to Sicily without my authorization, and without my permission. Tell him what happens to him in Sicily will not be of my concern.

Mikie -- You're...

Mike (interrupts) - You said you were with me in these things, Tom. If you dont have the stomach...the guts...(in full throated Pacino rant) ....the character....the very essence of what made my Father strong...what makes me strong...what has made the Corleone family strong...then walk out the door right now.

Tom - Mikie....

Mike - Then you'll do as I ask.

Tom (resigned) consider it done.

(Two months later. It is late at night. Tom is in Michael Corleone's kitchen mixing a drink. Mary enters)

Mary - Tom! What are you doing here?

Tom - Actually Mary I am here to see you.

Mary - At this hour? But you are here in the kitchen. Why didn't you call, or wait until tomorrow.

Tom - It can't wait Mary.

(almost involuntarily she sits)

Mary - Then tell me.

Tom - Vincent's dead. He and a set of twins he had as body guards were shot on the steps of the Opera House in Palermo.

(Mary breaks down)

(Tom hands her a handkerchief, she dries her eyes and TOm takes her hand)

Tom - I'm so sorry Mary.

Mary - My father sent him there!

Tom - No Mary. He volunteered to go. He died for the family. I've already told your father about this, and he will know what to do.

Mary - (crying) It never stops.

Tom - Mary, I love you like you were my own daughter. There are things that must be done to settle what's happened to Vincent. He died for your safety, Mary, and for the family. Talk to Connie about this.

Mary - I loved him.

Tom - In time Mary, in time, you will love somebody else.

"Io sono stanco, sono imbigliato, and I wan't everyone here to know, there ain't gonna be no trouble from me..Don Corleone..Cicc' a port!"

"I stood in the courtroom like a fool."

"I am Constanza: Lord of the idiots."